The diversification of billboard production forms. Outdoor billboard production is different from print media. It is necessary to highlight the characteristics of three-dimensional large billboards, such as gorgeous neon billboards, eye-catching billboards with three flip sides, billboards with automatic screen switching, etc. these unique forms provide more development space for billboard production and make customers refreshing. Billboard manufacturers remind that billboards can attract the attention of a lot of outdoor potential customers and have a good communication effect on brand publicity. However, they should ensure that they comply with the legal provisions of advertising production and grasp the following four points for attention.
1. The content of billboard production should meet the requirements of advertising law and some local administrative regulations;
2. Picture, billboard picture to consider the content (picture, text, important contact information) recognition and visibility, try to avoid the font is too small, content is too crowded, color close, rely on color and other reasons caused by the recognition problem, if there is night lighting, but also consider the lighting effect, remember that the computer to see the design effect and the actual production is still very different, so Before the actual spray painting, the production of small samples to do calibration;

3. Production, strictly follow the billboard production process requirements, billboard size, media location (indoor, outdoor), whether lighting (internal lighting, external lighting), picture fineness and other requirements, pay attention to the selection of reasonable materials and technology. At the same time, billboard manufacturers remind that the installation of billboards should also consider the specific process and steps according to the specific situation;
4. The scene. The overall quality of the building where the billboard is located, whether the building where the billboard is located can bear the self weight of the frame and the load generated by the weight of the billboard, the building age and structural materials of the building where the billboard is located, and whether the frame can be raised, so as to avoid the blocking of the advertising picture and the limitation of the normal installation of lamps.
In short, as a form of advertising, diversification is the inevitable trend of technological innovation and people's creativity, and will promote the vigorous development of the billboard industry.