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{pc:get sql="select child from hc_category where catid=$catid" num="1" }


山东红晨广告传媒有限公司 服务热线: 18006364777 15006402288


发布时间:2021-01-22 17:28:04  来源:https://www.hongchenad.com/  

Sign manufacturers summarize the design methods and skills of the following signs, share with you, hope to help you!
1、抓突破点:靠突破图形图象本身的视觉平衡点来达到视觉要求运用图片素材的本身来寻找设计的突破点,依据图形自身所产生的空间感,光感,等一些突出的地方,来加以利用,从 :而突出设计的主题。
1. Grasp the breakthrough point: achieve the visual requirements by breaking through the visual balance point of the graphics and images themselves, use the image materials themselves to find the breakthrough point of the design, and make use of some prominent places such as the sense of space and light generated by the graphics themselves, so as to highlight the theme of the design.
2. Proportion size: according to the proportion relationship of the thing itself, pursue the visual balance relationship in the equal proportion relationship, break through the equal proportion relationship of the thing itself, and then push out its own visual focus in order to make a breakthrough.
3. Light and shade induction: use some commonalities of light refraction, light capture, dynamic light perception and light and shade difference to set off the theme.
4. Instant capture: the use of the eye sensory instant acceptance, to capture the visual point.
5. The sense of hierarchy of composition graphics: the sense of hierarchy between graphics and elements can not only disturb the vision, but also highlight the theme they want to embody. This way of expression is often more direct and effective.
6. Composition of the visual line traction: the use of color or elements to pull the viewer's vision, let the viewer with the designer's thinking to think and watch the work.
7. According to the receptive ability of the appreciator and the feelings usually mentioned, some elements of daily life are used to fully consider the appreciator's recognition ability of graphics, and the natural beauty and the cruel beauty breaking through the ordinary receptive ability are used to move the appreciator's feelings, so as to gain people's memory of graphics.
8. Visual illusion: use visual illusion to get a sense of space to highlight the visual center of the overall design.
9. Abstract way of expression: the use of color contrast highlights the theme, but also plays a certain entertainment, such works are easy to be liked, and it is not easy to forget.
The above is an eye-catching way to make logo design, hope to help you, if you want to know more wonderful information, please click our website: Jinan logo production company https://www.hongchenad.com

