The main raw materials for spray painting of advertising signs and signs are as follows:
发光原材料(氖)标牌:用发光原材料(氖)作为标牌的表面或喷绘文本的主原材料的标牌,即大家一般 说的霓红灯;
Luminous raw material (neon) sign: the sign that uses luminous raw material (neon) as the surface of the sign or the main raw material of the spray painted text, that is, the neon light commonly referred to;
Acrylic acid label (acrylic board): use acrylic acid printing consumables as the main raw material label on the surface;
Metal material label: in the case of no very specific surface, the metal material is used as the surface of the label or the main raw material of the text;
Bright and clean label: the interface or surface is oil soluble, very bright and clean label;
Photoelectric board: it uses light-emitting diodes or light-emitting tubes to complete solid color or colorful signs, which mainly show the actual effect. It can be divided into five types: luminescent bubble glass, LCD, led, CRT, FDT, etc.
不一样原材料制做而成的喷绘广告宣传标牌,拥有不一样的实际效果,在其中能造成过路人留意的是彩灯、LED等有闪亮精彩的具备动画特 效广告宣传标牌。
Spray painted advertising signs made of different raw materials have different actual effects. What can cause passers-by to pay attention to are colored lights, LEDs and other bright and wonderful advertising signs with animation effects.