Many people do business and pay attention to the influence of geomantic omen. The billboard at the door plays an important role in geomantic omen. In particular, the color of the front door, there is also a money, then shop front billboard what color money?
1. Gold
金色可以起象征高 贵、光荣、华贵、辉煌的作用所以皇 族通常用金色制作衣服。 黄金的颜色是金色,金色代表答金 钱、 财富和资本主义。所以金色是为有财富象征的颜色了但是金碧辉煌的装潢气场非常的强大不是一般家庭可以承受得到 除非是酒店等高 级公众场所。 金光灿灿的为纳财第-颜色。
Gold can symbolize nobility, glory, splendor, so the royal family usually use gold to make clothes. The color of gold is gold. Gold represents money, wealth and capitalism. So gold is a symbol of wealth, but the magnificent decoration atmosphere is very strong, not the average family can afford, unless it is a hotel and other high-level public places. The golden color is nachti.
2. Red
红色是大家公认的喜庆颜色不管 是在婚礼或者新店开业的时候都希望能够大红大紫所以普遍采用红色来作为喜庆招财的颜色寓意是红红火火 大吉大利。
Red is generally recognized as a festive color, whether in the wedding or the opening of a new store, we all hope to be bright red and purple, so red is widely used as the color of festive fortune, which means that it is prosperous and auspicious.
3. Yellow
在使用钱包中许多人不知道使用什么颜色的钱财好而这 个时候其实采用黄色的钱包能够招财因为黄主财 而使用红色的钱包反而不能大红大紫 而且会因为使用红色的钱包而导致钱是越来越少因为红色也有赤字的意思 相信使用过红色钱包的人都有所体会特别是女性朋友使用红色钱包更加是月光族的代言词。
In the use of wallets, many people don't know what color of money to use. In fact, at this time, yellow wallets can attract money. Because yellow is the owner of money, red wallets can't be very popular. Moreover, the use of red wallets will lead to less and less money, because red also means a deficit I believe that people who have used red wallets have some experience, especially female friends who use red wallets are the spokesmen of moonlight clan.
The above three kinds of billboard colors are more attractive in Fengshui, but in practice, we should learn to judge whether they are in line with our own industry characteristics.