The planning and manufacturing of signs can enhance the cultural style of the brand. So how can we make high-quality signs? The following are the requirements of the industry for the manufacturing process of the signs and labels, so as to assist the enterprises that need to manufacture the signs to distinguish the superior and inferior signs.
铝合金型 要求
Aluminum alloy type requirements
1. 铝合金和常用塑胶材料配件应契合质量要求。
1. Aluminum alloy and common plastic material fittings shall meet the quality requirements.
2. 铝合金型材的角底误差少于正负误差1度。
2. The angle bottom error of aluminum alloy profile is less than 1 degree of positive and negative error.
3. 平面间隙<=0.4%*B(B为型材宽度)。
3. Plane clearance < = 0.4% * B (B is profile width).

亚克力型 加工的要求
Requirements for acrylic processing
1. 亚克力出模热弯成形,尺度与形状共同,外表无气泡、划痕。
1. Acrylic hot bending, with the same size and shape, without bubbles and scratches on the surface.
2. 热弯成形后外表经过粗砂、细砂、碾磨处理,保证外表滑润。
2. After hot bending, the surface shall be treated with coarse sand, fine sand and grinding to ensure smooth surface.
3. 完成后外表光泽柔软均匀、无颗粒状物、透光均匀。
3. After completion, the surface luster is soft and uniform, without particles and uniform light transmission.
不锈钢型 工艺要求
Stainless steel process requirements
1. 不锈钢板须刨坑折弯焊接;保证折弯处圆弧角R<1mm。
1. The stainless steel plate shall be planed, bent and welded; the arc angle R at the bending position shall be less than 1mm.
2. 焊接前外表油污,削减焊缝构成的虚焊、气孔、裂纹等缺点。
2. Before welding, remove the oil stain on the surface, and reduce the defects such as faulty welding, air hole, crack and so on.
3. 焊接完后将一切可见焊缝打磨光滑,与周围外表相同滑润,无显着划痕。
3. After welding, all visible welds shall be polished to be smooth, as smooth as the surrounding surface, without significant scratches.
烤漆 工艺要求
Paint baking process requirements
1. 清洗外表劣留物,补灰、打磨等外表处理。
1. Clean the surface defects, make up the ash, polish and other surface treatment.
2. 烤漆房须无尘土颗粒车间,烤漆外表涂层三涂三烤处理,涂层厚度大于或等于35微米。
2. The paint room shall be dust-free workshop, and the external coating of the paint shall be painted three times and baked three times, with the coating thickness greater than or equal to 35 microns.
3. 面漆膜应滑润、均匀,无流痕、皱纹、桔皮、气泡、夹杂等影响装修作用的缺点。
3. The top coat film shall be smooth and even without flow marks, wrinkles, orange peel, bubbles, inclusions and other defects affecting the decoration effect.
丝印 工艺要求
Silk screen printing process requirements
1. 菲林冲制网版,丝印外表用酒精或白电油将外表清理干净。
1. The screen is made of phenanthrene, and the surface of silk screen is cleaned with alcohol or white electric oil.
2. 丝印色彩契合规划方案要求,字体及图画笔划清晰,无变形、锯齿等。
2. The silk screen color meets the requirements of the planning scheme, and the font and picture strokes are clear without deformation, sawtooth, etc.
3. 丝印图形文字色彩与底色无显着浸透现象。
3. There is no significant saturation between the color of silk screen graphics and the background color.
Finished appearance requirements
1. 竣工后标识牌外观精巧,无划痕、气泡、显着的色彩不均,烤漆无显着色差,所用材料契合规划方案。
1. After the completion of the project, the sign board shall be exquisite in appearance, free of scratches, bubbles, significant color unevenness, no significant color difference in the baking paint, and the materials used shall conform to the planning scheme.
2. 标牌装置方式便于面板更换及保护。
2. The sign device is convenient for panel replacement and protection.