The purpose of using billboards is to attract customers' attention and play a role in publicity. However, whether the billboards are well done or not, the design does not meet the needs of products or stores, and the effect is different. Let's talk about the role of billboards.
1、 Ensure the visibility of the front door billboard餐厅周围300m之内要放置招牌,80%的生意来自300m内,所以300m内放置招牌对餐厅经营起到帮助作用。如在众多餐厅林立的地方,顾客一般会根据自己的记忆和了解选择餐厅。当然,对于大部分患有“选择困难症”的顾客、“外貌协会”的顾客,如果远远看见一家餐厅的招牌足够特别,标牌制作临时改变就餐地点也在情理之中。
Signboards should be placed within 300m around the restaurant, and 80% of the business comes from within 300m. Therefore, signboards within 300m will help the operation of the restaurant. For example, in the place where many restaurants stand, customers will generally choose restaurants according to their own memory and understanding. Of course, for most customers suffering from "choice difficulty" and "appearance Association", if the signboard of a restaurant is special enough from a distance, it is reasonable to change the dining place temporarily.

75% of the customers who enter a restaurant have made a decision 30 minutes before entering the restaurant, and 25% have made a temporary decision after seeing it. Among 75% of the people who have made a decision, another 30% make a decision within 3 minutes or less before entering a restaurant. In the face of "fancy" and unstable psychology of customers, restaurants should deeply implant the image into customers' hearts, so that customers can naturally associate with them before eating.
For new visitors to a certain city, they are attracted by the eye-catching billboard of a restaurant, because even the smallest customers will feel that they are illuminated. A sign is like a bright star in the night sky, gathering customers to a restaurant, and customers are willing to enjoy the satisfaction of taste buds because of the sign's guidance.
2、 Maintain the clarity of the front door billboard顾客就餐可不是为了一句“光临寒舍”的寒暄。招牌就像人的脸面一样,不去清洗,时间久了,标牌制作就显得很脏,很陈旧。干净,清晰的招牌让人有卫生感的心理暗示,提升顾客的心情和食欲。反之,招牌很脏,灯光不亮或者某个部分坏了,颜色也都褪掉了,顾客远远看见就没有兴趣了。
Customers are not eating for a "come to my house" greeting. Signboards are like people's faces. If you don't clean them, they will be dirty and old-fashioned after a long time. Clean and clear signboards give people psychological hints of hygiene and security, and enhance customers' mood and appetite. On the contrary, the sign is dirty, the light is not bright or some part is broken, and the color is also faded. Customers are not interested in seeing the sign from a distance.
3、 The design of billboard is the highlight招牌设计要新异,风格要独特,能够突出logo。此外,招牌设计要符合餐厅的主题、文化以及目标客户群的心理特点。当顾客面对满街陌生的餐厅和招牌时,会对设计高的招牌“一见钟情” 。自然能吸引顾客走进他们的店里。
The design of signboard should be new and unique, and the logo should be highlighted. In addition, the signboard design should be in line with the theme, culture and psychological characteristics of the target customers. When customers are faced with unfamiliar restaurants and signboards, they will "fall in love at first sight" for the signboards with high design. Naturally attract customers into their stores.
The above is about how to make the billboard play a role in the introduction, I hope to help you, if you want to know more, welcome to Jinan spray painting advertising company Website.